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Please follow the below information once the system has been successfully installed to ensure correct
use of your mist / smoke filter system
Please ensure this document is fully read and understood prior to operating the filtration system.
Starting and stopping the system
Using the DOL starter supplied as a standard installation is the
means of control of the system.
Use the Green button to start the mist filter unit prior to works
commencing, once the job (or shift) has been completed stop
the system by pressing the red (stop) button.
You do not need to start and stop the system for every part
being machined, ideally start the AOF at the start of your shift
and stop the system when you shut down the CNC machine.
During operation of the unit especially during the first day you
may notice a smell from the unit, this is completely normal.
The final filter (HEPA filter) is stored in an airtight bag prior to
installation, during first operation the system will force air
through the filter which will result in noticing a slight rubbery
smell but this will stop after a few hours of operation.