Breathing Air Quality Positi on Statement
The responsibility for the quality of breathing air rests with the user. Compliance with federal, state,
or local regulati ons are the responsibility of the user and this recommendati on does not supersede any
ing rules, regulati ons, or laws which may apply. Breathing air fi ltrati on products meet or exceed CGA Grade-D
specifi cati ons for air quality as adopted by Federal OSHA. Compressor air quality standards meet or exceed
OSHA 1910.134 requirements. When the components are used in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc-
ti ons and recommendati ons, the "system" meets or exceeds federal regulati ons presently in force. It is incum-
bent upon the user to comply with any changes in the regulati ons or law which may occur in future situati ons.
The air supply compressor should be located in a safe, clean ambient air environment. This "safe" loca-
ti on should be tested periodically using proper instruments to ensure clean ambient air quality on a consistent
basis. Total system Grade-D air quality should be tested at the ti me of initi al setup. If the compressor is moved,
retesti ng air quality is recommended. Should the locati on or environment signifi cantly change, the air quality
should be retested. The compressor fi lters and oil level should be checked daily and changed when contami-
nated or when the maximum number of "run" hours is achieved.
This series of air fi ltrati on units should be used according to the recommendati ons specifi ed in the
manual. The standard fi ltrati on package is not explosion-proof and should be located in a non-explosive en-
vironment. (An intrinsically safe model is available, please contact the factory for informati on.) The carbon
monoxide monitor should be calibrated monthly or if the accuracy of the monitor is in questi on. System air
quality should be tested for, but not limited to, the following Grade-D air components:
CO - Carbon Monoxide
O2 - Oxygen
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
H2O - Water (Moisture Content)
Hydrocarbons (Oil Mist)
Total Parti culates
The maximum allowable level of these air quality components varies depending on
Grade-D or E requirements. Contact sales for a copy of the latest standards.
Our Breathing Air compressors and fi ltrati on systems meet all of the following federal
specifi cati ons when used and serviced in accordance with our instructi ons.
Federal OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134
"Compressor Operati ons for Breathing Air"
Army Corps of Engineers EM385-1-1,
paragraph 07b-11-4,
"Compressed Breathing Air"
Summary of Contents for BB100-CO
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