4. Web Management-Wireless and WAN Settings
AirLive AirMax5N User’s Manual
4.2.9 Antenna Settings
Operation Mode -> Setup -> Antenna Settings
The AirMax5N is equipped with a 16dBi patch antennas. If it’s not enough for your
application, you can also select a external antenna for making the radio signal be
propagated further.
4.2.10 Transmit Power
Operation Mode -> Setup -> Transmit Power
You can adjust the transmit output power of the AirMax5N’s radio from 12dBm to 25dBm.
The higher the output power, the more distance AirMax5N can deliver. However, it is
advised that you use just enough output power so it will not create excessive interference
for the environment. Also, using too much power at close distance can create serious
performance drop due to signal distortion.
4.2.11 Advance Settings (Wireless)
Operation Mode -> Setup -> Advance Settings
This page includes all the wireless settings that change the RF behaviors of AirMax5N. It is
important to read through this section before attempting to make changes.