MyChron Light TG
Release 1.04
The Infrared Transmitters
MyChron Light TG
is an intelligent lap timer and can
detect the signals of two different transmitters: the lap
transmitter and the split transmitter. These two objects
differs in the kind of signal they emit;
MyChron Light TG
can distinguish their signals, and thereby record a split time
or a lap time.
With these new useful transmitters you will no more throw
away all your data if only missing one signal.
While with the old transmitters lap signal and split signal
where the same and if you missed one signal your
instrument shifted start / finish line, with these new ones,
also if you miss a split or a lap signal, when the instrument
gets the next lap signal it re-starts calculating splits and laps
correctly and does no more shift start / finish line.
Your standard kit includes one transmitter, the lap one. The
split transmitter is optional.