Z-106164_EN ● 00
TMU Packaged for Transport ............................G-7
Fig. 2. Data Plate - Typical ..............................................G-7
Fig. 3. TMU Components - Front view ........................G-9
Fig. 4. TMU - Inner Components - Front & rear views G-10
Fig. 5. Single Appliance Clearances - View from the
............................................................................ G-12
Fig. 6. Control Panel ..................................................... G-15
Fig. 7. Typical Display ................................................... G-16
Fig. 8. Manual changing of operating modes ........... G-21
Fig. 9. Temperature settings on screen ..................... G-22
Fig. 10. Setpoints adjustment ....................................... G-22
Fig. 11. Heating curves .................................................. G-23
Fig. 12. Appliance Transport and Installation .............. G-25
Fig. 13. Opening and Closing the access door and
panels ...............................................................G-26
Fig. 14. Inverting the Door Opening Side .................... G-27
Fig. 15. Connection Diagram - Nesta & Nesta Chrome . G-28
Fig. 16. Connection Diagram - CoilMaster .................. G-29
Fig. 17. Connection Diagram - Cascade ..................... G-30
Fig. 18. Routing the Electrical Cables .......................... G-37
Fig. 19. Accessing the Electronic Board and High & Low
voltage Terminal Strips ..................................................... G-38
Fig. 20. Modbus Module ............................................... G-39
Fig. 21. TMU wiring - heat pump Modbus connection . G-44
Fig. 22. TMU wiring - heat pump On/off switch
Fig. 23. Wiring - heat pump circulating pump ............ G-45
Fig. 24. TMU wiring - Boiler ........................................... G-45
Fig. 25. Draining the Appliance - Typical ..................... G-52
Fig. 26. Extension Modules ........................................... G-53
Fig. 27. Web Server Module.......................................... G-53
Fig. 28. Bivalent operation ............................................. G-55
Fig. 29. Locking time ...................................................... G-55