12. Function menus
after the other; (see Manual This almost doubles the measuring rate /
channel. In both modes all measured values can be saved and output at any
time. With both the following functions
saving to memory
of measured values can be activated at the measuring rate.
Function Meas. rate,
to modify press key :
Meas. rate: 10 mops
Semi-continuous measuring point scan (standard):
Continuous measuring point scan
Continuous saving to memory OFF
Saving to memory:
Continuous saving to memory, activate
Continuous output OFF
Output: -
Continuous output, activate :
Memory time
An important parameter for data recording is the available
memory time
. This
depends on the free memory capacity available, the measuring rate set, the
scanning mode, and the number of active measuring channels. All these varia-
bles are clearly shown via the menu described.
Active channels
for minimum cycle and memory time :
Meas chan.
: 12 Active :5
memory time
Memory time: 24d 13h
The ALMEMO 2590-4AS with its internal memory can continue recording infi-
nitely, so long as in the next menu (see 12.5.9) the parameter
Ring memory
activated. In this mode, as soon as the memory is full, the oldest data is simply
overwritten; the most recent data is always available; (see Manual
Linear memory
Data is not overwritten :
Ring memory : -
Ring memory Data is overwritten :
Starting and stopping measuring operations
A measuring operation can be started and stopped not only by pressing the ap-
propriate keys but also using numerous other methods; these are described the
the Manual, Section 6.6.
These operating instructions, in the 3rd data logger menu, describe the start
time and end time, the measuring duration, and the actions in the event of a limit
value being exceeded (see Section 13.12.2) and the relay and trigger variants
(see Section 15.2).
Start time Start date, End time End date
A measuring series can be started and stopped au-
tomatically at specified times. For this purpose the
start time
start date
, and the
end time
end date
must be programmed. If no particular date
has been programmed, the measuring operation
will be performed every day within the set period.
alternatively, instead of specifying the end time the
measuring duration
itself can