automatically according to date and time-of-day. The memory can be organi-
zed and configured in linear or ring form. As an alternative storage medium ex-
ternal ALMEMO
connectors are also available with an EEPROM of either 128
KB capacity (sufficient for 25000 measured values) or 256 KB capacity (suffi-
cient for 50000 measured values). Data recordings can be easily and conveni-
ently managed for each such connector and read out from the computer whe-
never needed via a separate read interface. Or alternatively each measuring
operation can be assigned a number. For output via the interface it is possible
to specify a selection according to either the time interval or the number as-
signed to the measuring operation.
Control outputs
It is possible via the interface to individually address up to four external output
relays and one analog output.
All measured values and programming parameters can be accessed via the
LCD. Interfaces for RS232, RS422, Centronics, and Ethernet are provided via
the appropriate interface cables. All data logs, saved measured values, and
programming parameters can be output to any peripheral equipment. Measu-
red data can be output in list, column, or table format. Files in table format can
be processed directly using any standard spreadsheet software. The print hea-
der can be programmed specifically to the company or application.
devices are adressable and can be easily networked by simply
linking them up via the appropriate network cables or, over longer distances, via
RS422 network distributors.
device is accompanied by the AMR-Control software package,
which can be used to configure the measuring instrument, to program the sen-
sors, and to read out from the measured value memory. It is also possible
using the integrated terminal to perform measuring operations online and to sa-
ve the measured values to PC. The WIN-Control software package for WIN-
is provided for the purposes of measured value acquisition via networ-
ked devices, for graphical presentation, and for more complex data processing.