6) Take one lamp cord and socket and drape it over the U-bracket on the extender arm on
the side of the center bar with the yellow dot. Make sure to leave enough slack in the cord
between the the socket and the U-bracket to enable hanging the reflector at its lowest point.
Zip tie the cord to the U-bracket hardware at the top of the arm.
7) Take the lamp cord and zip tie it to the YELLOW eye bolt
on the motor. The cord MUST pass on the side of the motor
with the GREEN eye bolt–not on the other side! Make sure
you leave enough slack in the lamp cord to accommodate
proper rotation of the light mover–about a 6” bow should be
yellow eye bolt
green eye
pink eye
bar with
the yel-
low dot
cord to
allow enough
slack for
rotation (6”)
blue eye
bolt on
back side
lowest reach
of reflector