Remove the chin pad by pulling it towards you and remove the foam cheek pads and crown pad.
Do not under any circumstances try to remove the expanded polystyrene cheek pad bases. Do not
under any circumstances try to remove the chin guard.
Remove the expanded polystyrene inserts from the cheek pads
(Figure 2)
Remove the plastic insert from the chin guard which fills the housing
for the microphone (if present on the helmet) and remove the
expanded polystyrene inserts from where the earpieces will go.
If the use of stereo devices is not permitted in your country,
disconnect the left earpiece connector and put it back in the box
(figure 3)
Position the Velcro strips on the units that house the electronics and the battery (figures 4a and 4b)
making sure that the surface of the strips is the right kind to stick to the Velcro already present on
the cutaways inside the helmet.
The plastic case with the microphone boom fits into slot A while the other case goes into slot B
(figure 5)
Remove the protective film from the Velcro discs and glue them into the cutaways in the helmet for
the earpieces. Make sure that the cables follow the routes shown in Figures 6a and 6b.