8.2 Inspection of N2-Gas in the Back-Head
1) Make sure that the cap and the valve of the gas charging kit(
) are fully tightened. Screw the gas charging
) into the charging valve of the Back-Head after removing the plug.
2) At this time the handle must be short to prevent the gas from coming out.
3) Push the handle into the charging valve fully, so the gas pressure inside the Back-Head
is indicated on the pressure gauge.
4) If the gas pressure is normal, unscrew the gas charging kit after discharging gas inside
the gas charging kit. Reinsert the plug to the Post driver hammer.
5) If the gas pressure is higher or lower, charge it as described below.
■ Charging of N2-Gas into the Back-Head
1) Connect the charging hose(
) to N2-gas cylinder(
) after screwing the bomb adapter
) onto adapter nut(
) and installing than to the N2-gas cylinder.
2) Connect the gas charging kit(
) to the charging hose(
) after unscrewing the cap on
the gas charging kit.
3) Install the gas charging kit(
) to the charging valve of the Back-Head. At this time the
handle of the gas charging kit must be up position to prevent the gas from comingout.
4) Push the handle of the gas charging kit fully and turn the handle of the N2-gas cylinder
counter clockwise gradually to charge the Back-Head.
5) When the gas pressure exceeds 10% higher then the specified pressure, close the
-gas cylinder by turning the handle clockwise.
6) Leave the handle of gas charging kit up. Generated pressure makes, it return back to original position naturally.
7) Remove the charging hose(
) from the N2-gas cylinder(
) and the gas charging kit(
), and the screw the
cap onto the gas charging kit.
8) Push the handle of the gas charging kit fully, and the gas pressure inside the Back-Head is indicated on the
pressure gauge. When the pressure is higher, discharge a small amount of gas from the Back-Head repeatedly
opening and closing the valve and then gas pressure falls to the specified pressure.
9) When the gas pressure reaches to the specified pressure, close the valve and release the handle.
10) Open the valve completely and discharge gas inside the gas charging kit. Remove the gas charging kit from the
charging valve of the Back-Head and install the plug to the charging valve.