Grain Type
Wheat, rye,
buckwheat, corn, rice,
oats, barley, millet,
green- spelt, spelt
Any degree of fineness
Do not use popcorn,
only use
regular dried corn
Oats and soy beans
Adjust the mill to a
coarser setting
Only coarse grinding
(coarse setting)
Oily seeds, all spices
Mix with wheat, rye,
barley, corn etc, and
process on a coarser
Caraway, coriander,
anise, fennel, cloves,
and cinnemon
Small amounts can be
ground without any
Clean milling chamber
and flour output
Storage of the grain indoors in places with up to 60%
humidity, allows a problem-free processing. Storage at
humidity levels over 60 % can result in smearing of the
millstones during ?ne processing.
Especially during wet or damp wet conditions store smaller quantities
of grain in an air-permeable bag (linen, etc.) near a source of heat.
Care and Cleaning
To maintain the technical operation of your mill no care or
maintenance is necessary. Normal functioning of the mill means that
small amounts of four will be left in the milling chamber. If you do not
intend to use your mill over a period of some weeks, we recommend
that for hygienic reasons you have to clean it thoroughly.
To do this, mill a handful of rice or grain at a “coarse setting”
afterwards open the mill and using a vacuum cleaner remove all residue
flour from the milling chamber. Leave the mill open and if at hand
place a few bay leaves inside.