Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements are
available for Agilent Technologies products.
For any assistance, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales and Service
Office. Addresses are provided at the back of this manual.
Safety Symbol
General definitions of safety symbols used on the instrument or in its manuals are
listed below.
Instruction Manual symbol: the product is marked with this symbol when it is
necessary for the user to refer to the instrument manual.
Alternating Current
Direct Current
On (Supply)
Off (Supply)
In position of push-button switch
Out position of push-button switch
Frame (or chassis) terminal: A connection to the frame (chassis) of the equipment,
which normally includes all exposed metal structure.
This warning sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice,
or condition which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in
injury or death to personnel.
This Caution sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, or
condition which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage
to or destruction of part or all of the product.
This Note sign denotes important information. It calls attention to a procedure,
practice, or condition which is essential for the user to understand.
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