Chapter 2
DUT Measurement
DUT Measurement
Before performing DUT measurement, open and short correction should be done as
described in the previous sections. If measurement frequency is over 3 MHz, perform load
correction before the DUT measurement described later onwards.
1. Adjust the HIGH side contact pin so that the DUT is positioned on the center of the
measuring stage and secure the contact pin with the contact pin locking screw.
2. Release the LOW side contact pin with the lever and set the DUT on the measuring
3. Ease back slowly on the lever until the LOW side contact pin makes gentle contact with
the DUT.
Figure 2-4
Contact pin position for DUT measurement
4. Perform the measurement as described in the specific instrument’s manual.
5. To measure the same size DUT repeatedly, simply release the LOW side contact pin
with the lever when to changing the DUT without moving the HIGH side contact pin.
To measure an array type DUT, take measurements at each electrode by sliding the
DUT on the stage after releasing the LOW side contact pin with the lever.
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