The printer will automatically print the QC test image.
After the image is printed, the system will display the optical density
The displayed values represent the following steps on the test film:
Operating Level
Value (Macbeth units)
(according to IEC
1223-2-4 or better)
Low density
the density value of the
low density step
0,4 ± 0,05
Mid density
the density value of the
mid density step
1,2 ± 0,15
High density
the density value of the
high density step
2,0 ± 0,2
Base + Fog, Den-
sity difference
(DD), Maximum
density (Max D)
These values are displayed but not important for
this QC procedure
If the mid density value does not meet or exceeds the
recommended values, the reason must be found and the
problem solved before any further clinical films can be
Record the low, mid and high density levels on Chart 1 (‘Determination of
Operating Levels’).
Press the Confirm key to return to the main menu.
Repeat step 1 through 8 once a day for five consecutive days, as indicated
on Chart 1.
Calculate the average value of the densities from the five images. These
values represent operating levels, or aim values, for each density.
Record the respective aim (average) values as the ‘Operating levels’ on
Charts 2A and 2B (‘Daily Density Control Chart’).
The calculated ‘Operating levels’ should be as following:
Operating Level
(according to IEC 1223-2-4 or better)
Low density
0,4 ± 0,05
| Dry 2.4M | Advanced Operation (key-operator mode)
2652B EN 20210601 1655