17. Replace Module top plate as follows:
a) Support top plate at front and reconnect the wiring to the two neons.
b) Carefully lower the top plate into position taking care not to damge wiring or neons.
c) Ensure holes for controls spindles are aligned correctly, and replace 2 screws into control panel.
d) Loosely screw the top plate down with 4 retaining screws.
18. Verify that the two plates are level, then proceed with tightening down.
19. Fit the Module handrail bracket over the fixing stud located on the top plate. Lock into position by tightening the grub
screw nearest the appliance. (See Fig. 13).
Fig. 13
DESN 516855
20. Next, fit allthread stud into the insert located in the one end of the Module handrail, then feed the handrail through the
bracket and screw the handrails together. (See Fig. 14).
Fig. 14
DESN 516856