4.3. Wiring the Flowmeter
4.3.1. When connecting PEAs to the CS, it is necessary to provide that the el-
ements of the measuring channel (PEAs and communications cables)
be in correspondence with the characteristics of the channel.
PEA serial numbers with the measurement channel indicated are
specified in the flowmeter
’s Passport.
The communications cable marking for the PEA pair is maintained
in similar labels with one or two white transverse bars.
The label color denotes reference to the measurement channel:
- Black
– channel 1
- Grey
– channel 2
- Blue
– channel 3
- Dark blue
– channel 4;
One white transverse bar denotes that the communications cable
refers to PEA1, two white transverse bars denote that the communica-
tions cable refers to PEA2 from the pair of cables labeled in the same
The PEA cable connectors and mounting locations can be labelled
"PEA1" and "PEA2", which will refer them to the corresponding PEA in
the pair.
The flowmeter’s power cable, CS-PEA connection cables, and CS-
external devices connection cables (if applicable) are laid in accordance
with flowmeter’s operating conditions.
4.3.3. Communications and network cables are fixed on the wall wherever
possible. The network cable is laid separately at a distance of 30 cm as
a minimum from other cables. To avoid mechanical damages, it is rec-
ommended to place all cables in metal tubes or sleeves.
to lay CS-PEA cables and external signal ca-
bles within proximity to power circuits. With presence of high-level elec-
tromagnetic interference (for instance, from a thyristor controller),
to lay the cables without putting them into properly
grounded (neutrally earthed) metal tubes or sleeves.
The metal tubes or sleeves shall only be grounded on one side
on the CS side.
4.3.4. It is recommended not to coil the excessive cables.
4.3.5. Prior to connection, cut isolation from cable ends by 5 mm. The cables
are directed via cable glands and attached to the connectors according
to the Wiring diagram given in Appendix B of Part I of the Operation
4.3.6 To prevent polyethylene insulation of the CS-PEA communications cable
from burning, the cable shall not be in contact with the heated pipeline.
The pipeline shall be thermally insulated at the points of contact, or you
may use another type of cable.
4.3.7. The RS-output of the flowmeter is connected to an external device. You
can use the standard 15 m Null-Modem cable as an RS-232 communi-
cations cable.