Event Thresholds: Full Auto mode
In Full Auto mode, the [Events] parameter may be set to [Auto] or [Off]. When set to [Auto], automatic
event detection is enabled, applying user-set End Loss, Event Loss, and Event Reflectance thresholds.
Thresholds are adjusted as follows:
1. From the Full Auto test mode page, display the Event menu
2. Use
keys to highlight the desired setup parameter.
3. Use
keys to set/change the highlighted parameter.
Event Thresholds: FTTx – PON Construction mode
In FTTx – PON Construction mode, the [Events] parameter is set to [Auto] by default and may not be
1. From the FTTx - PON Construction test mode page, display the Event menu
2. Use
keys to highlight the desired setup parameter.
3. Use
keys to set/change the highlighted parameter.
This parameter may be set to
[PON Default] - OFL 280 sets [Event
Loss] and [Event Reflectance].
[PON User] - [Event Loss] and [Event
Reflectance] are set by the user.
Allows the user to perform FTTx PON
tests using manual settings.
This parameter may be set to
[Default] - OFL 280 sets [Event Loss] and
[Event Reflectance].
[User] - [Event Loss] and [Event Reflectance]
are set by the user.
Automatic event analysis declares the
fiber end at the first event with event loss
exceeding the End Loss threshold.
A detected event is reported in the event
table (see section titled ‘Event Types’) if
the measured event loss exceeds the Event
Loss threshold, or
the measured event reflectance exceeds the
Event Reflectance threshold.