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Description of the device
Afag Type HLF-M Linear Feeders are used to remove parts from upstream machines
and/or feed parts to downstream machines. Afag Linear Feeders are also used for sort-
ing parts, with due consideration of various criteria. Linear feeders are fitted in individual
feeding units as well as in complex assembly systems.
The different types of Linear Feeders vary in size and application (see Table 1: Technical
HLF feeders are to be operated in conjunction with an Afag con-
trol unit. This is the only combination that will guarantee perfect
transport characteristics.
Functional description
HLF-M devices consist of two oscillating parts arranged on top of each other which oscil-
late asynchronously. Slotted leaf springs connect these to a common base plate at which
the opposing oscillating forces virtually cancel each other out. The oscillating part on top
is used as a structure (working weight) for attaching the feeder track. The lower oscillat-
ing part is the counterweight. A magnetic system (magnet armature
– magnet core) is fit-
ted horizontally between the two oscillating parts. The positive features of the HLF-M
Linear Feeder are based on the balance of the working weight and the counterweight,
eliminating the majority of free oscillating forces directly in the machine.