55 000 015 – Ed. E
Mix2000 - User Manual
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February 2001
Manuel Mix2000 (E) - Ed. E.doc
A limiter or compressor can be inserted in the Master channel. This limiter/compressor features two
selectable operating modes:
Normal stereo mode, where the limiter/compressor applies same gain to both mixing buses;
“Independent” mode, where each channel is processed separately, to be used when the main
outputs are used as two mono outputs. This mode can be selected by changing the internal
configuration (for such change, refer to chapter 4.2).
2.4. Outputs (MAIN and SUB)
The Master channels are available in symmetrical format on the MAIN outputs, with a –60 dB pad
separately selectable on each output.
The mixer buses are available in asymmetrical format on the SUB outputs, with a selectable –60 dB pad.
The output gain is adjustable in 6 dB steps thanks to a 6 position switch (0 to –30 dB attenuation from
normal gain).
It is possible to encode the MAIN outputs in M/S format (or decode to L/R stereo if the mixer is used for
recording with M/S stereo microphones). In such case, matrixing is applied as follows:
“Left” MAIN output
(where MAIN L/R are the signals before matrixing)
“Right” MAIN output = MAIN L - MAIN R
2.5. Monitoring
A signal in the mixer can be selected for stereo monitoring on a headphone and a programme level meter.
The monitored signal can be selected among the following sources:
Inputs 1 and 2;
Inputs 3 and 4;
SUB outputs;
MAIN outputs;
Return signal (from the “Monitor” interface).
In addition, a Solo push-button on each input channel enables direct pre-fader listening of this input.
When pressing the Solo button, the signal is monitored in mono mode (signal sent to both ears and both
meter channels).
The level meter is a wide scale (-40 to +8 VU) two-channel bar-graph display, on 16 LED per channel.
Depending on the internal configuration of the mixer, the level detection has VU or PPM ballistics. In
both cases, two level display modes are available:
In the standard mode, the level is displayed in bar-graph (“thermometer”) mode, and the last peak
is held for a while on a separate dot (“peak-hold” function);
In the “dot-only” mode, only the last peak is displayed (peak-hold). This mode can be used e.g.
for getting a more discreet display.
The level display also has adjustable brightness.