P a g e
Manager Phone
: This can be set for a security guard or building manager to receive assistance
calls from the intercom.
Open Door Password
: This is the master door access password for the keypad. Note: This
feature MUST be ENABLED if subscribers are to be able to use their own individual codes.
Caller ID Opening
: Enable this to allow subscribers to gain access by calling the intercom from
their cell phone.
Door Open Time
: This sets the relay on time.
Door Relay Type
: Select between Normally Closed and Normally Open.
: If enabled, the intercom will emit a ringing tone when someone calls it from a cell phone.
Calling List
: Enable this to allow visitors to scroll list of names on screen.
Talking Time Limit
: Adjust this to restrict the max talking time on a call.
Calling Time
: Adjust this to prevent the unit ringing a number too long and the call being
answered by the users voicemail.
SMS Control
: Enable this to allow SMS programming and SMS relay control.
: Adjust microphone sensitivity gain. Reduce as low as possible to prevent feedback.
: reduce speaker volume as low as possible or increase for noisy environments.
: Select USER DEFINED, and type your own custom screen instructions, e.g. “Enter
Apartment Number, or S
croll & Press CALL”.
: After adjusting any of these settings, press SET button as shown to upload the changes to
the device.
The bottom half of the screen is related to entering subscribers or residents.