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V4-007 J EN



(Herr  Irtel)

A3-045 A XT

2 von 2


Handtekening van de fabrikant

Firma del fabricante

Firma del fornitore

Hoofd  technische afdeling

Director Dpto, Técnico

Responsabile reparto tecnico

De inbouwverklaring voor deze roterende zuigercompressor wordt aangevuld door de technische informatie in het hoofdstuk „Specificaties“. 

Aan de hand van de daar vermelde informatie wordt het product geïdentificeerd en de informatie moet in combinatie met deze inbouwverklaring toegepast worden.

La declaración de incorporación para esta máquina de émbolos giratorios es complementada por los datos técnicos que se encuentran en el capítulo “Datos de potencia”. 

Los datos ahí indicados identifican al producto y se deberán utilizar conjuntamente con esta declaración de incorporación.

La Dichiarazione di incorporazione per la presente macchina a pistoni rotanti è integrata dai dati tecnici riportati nel capitolo „Dati di prestazione“. 

Le informazioni incluse in quel capitolo identificano il prodotto e devono essere utilizzate insieme alla presente Dichiarazione di incorporazione.

Deze inbouwverklaring is geldig bij de inwerkingtreding van de machinerichtlijn 2006/42/EG vanaf 29-12-2009.


Esta declaración de incorporación obtendrá validez con la entrada en vigor de la Directiva de Máquinas 2006/42/CE, a partir del 29.12.2009.


Con l’entrata in vigore della Direttiva macchine 2006/42/CE la presente Dichiarazione di incorporazione è valida a partire dal 29-12-2009.



Vertaling van de originele inbouwverklaring

Hiermee verklaart de fabrikant: 

Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Reherweg 28, D-31855 Aerzen

dat de volgende fundamentele veiligheids- en gezondheidseisen conform bijlage I van de hiervoor genoemde richtlijn toegepast 

en nageleefd zijn:   Artikel 1.1.2 Beginselen van geïntegreerde veiligheid, 1.1.3 Materiaal en producten, 1.1.5 Ontwerp van de 

machine met het oog op het hanteren ervan, 1.2.1 Veiligheid en betrouwbaarheid van de bedieningssystemen, 1.3.1 Risico 

van verlies van stabiliteit, 1.3.2 Risico van breuken tijdens het gebruik, 1.3.4 Risico‘s in verband met oppervlakken, scherpe 

kanten, hoeken, 1.5.6 Risico´s door brand, 1.5.8 Risico´s door geluid, 1.5.9 Risico´s door trillingen, 1.6.4 Ingrepen door het 

bedieningspersoneel, 1.7.1 Informatie en waarschuwingen op de machine, 1.7.2. Waarschuwing voor restrisico‘s.

De incomplete machine mag pas in gebruik genomen worden nadat vastgesteld is of het definitieve 

aggregaat waarin de incomplete machine ingebouwd wordt, aan de bepalingen van 

machinerichtlijn 2006/42/EG voldoet.

Bij inbouw van een incomplete machine in een gebruikte machine moet gecontroleerd worden of deze inbouw tot een wezenlijke 

verandering van de gebruiksmachine leidt en of zodoende de machinerichtlijn toegepast moet worden. 

De inbouw van incomplete machines in gebruikte machines valt anders niet onder de werkingssfeer van de machinericht-


Deze inbouwverklaring heeft betrekking op de originele machinetoestand die door de fabrikant in omloop is gebracht. Bij 

veranderingen en/of ingrepen die naderhand uitgevoerd zijn, komt deze inbouwverklaring te vervallen.

De fabrikant is verplicht de speciale documentatie van deze incomplete machine, op gegronde wens in elektronische vorm 

aan nationale instanties door te geven.

De speciaal bij de machine horende technische documentatie conform bijlage VII deel B is opgesteld.

Verantwoordelijk voor de documentatie:        de heer Irtel 


Aerzen, 18-08-2009


Traducción de la declaración de incorporación original

Por la presente, el fabricante: 

Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Reherweg 28, D-31855 Aerzen

declara que se han aplicado y se cumplen los siguientes requisitos esenciales de seguridad y salud según el anexo I de la 

directiva mencionada:   Artículo 1.1.2 Principios de integración de la seguridad, 1.1.3 Materiales y productos, 1.1.5 Diseño de 

la máquina con vistas a su manutención, 1.2.1 Seguridad y fiabilidad de los sistemas de mando, 1.3.1 Riesgo de pérdida de 

estabilidad, 1.3.2 Riesgo de rotura en servicio, 1.3.4 Riesgos debidos a superficies, aristas o ángulos, 1.5.6 Incendio, 1.5.8 

Ruido, 1.5.9 Vibraciones, 1.6.4 Intervención del operador, 1.7.1 Información y señales de advertencia sobre la máquina, 1.7.2  

Advertencia de los riesgos residuales.

No está permitido poner en marcha la cuasi máquina hasta que no se haya comprobado, que el equipo 

final, en el que se incorporará la cuasi máquina, cumple con las disposiciones de la 

Directiva de Máquinas 2006/42/CE.

Al incorporar una cuasi máquina en una máquina usada, deberá comprobarse si esta incorporación supone una modificación 

importante que implique la aplicación de la Directiva de Máquinas. 

En caso contrario, la incorporación de cuasi máquinas en máquinas usadas no recae dentro del ámbito de aplicación de la 

Directiva de Máquinas.

Esta declaración de incorporación se refiere al estado original de la máquina que el fabricante comercializa. En el caso de 

realizar modificaciones y/u operaciones posteriores, la declaración perderá toda validez.

El fabricante se compromete a transmitir, en respuesta a un requerimiento debidamente motivado de las autoridades nacio-

nales, la información pertinente relativa a esta cuasi máquina, en formato electrónico.

La documentación técnica correspondiente a la máquina, de conformidad con el anexo VII, parte B ha sido elaborada.

Responsable de la documentación:       

Sr.  Irtel 


Aerzen, 18.08.2009


Traduzione della dichiarazione originale di incorportazione

Con la presente dichiarazione il produttore: 

Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Reherweg 28, D-31855 Aerzen

dichiara di avere applicato e rispettato i seguenti requisiti essenziale di sicurezza e di tutela della salute in base all‘Allegato I 

della suddetta direttiva:   art. 1.1.2 Principi d‘integrazione della sicurezza, 1.1.3 Materiali e prodotti, 1.1.5 Progettazione della 

macchina ai fini della movimentazione, 1.2.1 Sicurezza ed affidabilità dei sistemi di comando, 1.3.1 Rischio di perdita di sta


bilità, 1.3.2 Rischio di rottura durante il funzionamento, 1.3.4 Rischi dovuti a superfici, spigoli od angoli, 1.5.6 Incendio, 1.5.8 

Rumore, 1.5.9 Vibrazioni, 1.6.4 Intervento dell‘operatore, 1.7.1 Informazioni e avvertenze sulla macchina, 1.7.2. Avvertenze 

in merito ai rischi residui.

La macchina incompleta può essere messa in funzione soltanto una volta appurato che il  

gruppo finale in cui deve essere incorporata soddisfa le disposizioni della 

Direttiva macchine 2006/42/CE.

In caso di installazione di una macchina incompleta in una macchina usata, è necessario verificare se tale installazione com


porta una modifica essenziale della macchina usata e, quindi, se deve essere applicata la Direttiva macchine. 

In caso contrario l’installazione di una macchina incompleta in una macchina usata non rientra nel campo applicativo della 

Direttiva macchine.

Questa dichiarazione di incorporazione si riferisce allo stato della macchina originale messa in circolazione dal produttore. 

In caso di modifiche eseguite successivamente e/o di interventi eseguiti in un secondo momento, decade l’obbligo della 


Il produttore si impegna a trasmettere la documentazione speciale in formato elettronico relativa alla macchina incompleta ad 

uffici a livello nazionale dietro richiesta fondata.

È stata predisposta la documentazione tecnica speciale relativa alla macchina secondo l’Allegato VII Parte B.

Responsabile della documentazione:       

Sig. Irtel   

Aerzen, 18-08-2009


voor incomplete machines conform machinerichtlijn 2006/42/EG

Declaración de incorporación


para cuasi máquinas, de conformidad con la Directiva de Máquinas 2006/42/CE

Dichiarazione di incorporazione


per macchine incomplete secondo la Direttiva macchine 2006/42/CE

Property of American Airlines

Summary of Contents for VML 150

Page 1: ...ung 1 A E R Z E N E R M A S C H I N E N F A B R I K G M B H V4 007 J EN 168 405 001 07 2010 Installation assembly and operating instructions for VML screw compressor stage Jet Starter Stage P r o p e...

Page 2: ...n Evt anvisninger og ndringer der st r d r skal gennemf res Les INFO siden f r igangsetting Anvisninger og endringer som st r oppf rt der skal utf res L s igenom INFO sidan f re idrifttagning Eventuel...

Page 3: ...etriebsanleitung L e i s t u n g s d a t e n Performance data INFO Seite Information sheet I n h a l t C o n t e n t s 39 38 Einbauerk rung Declaration of incorporation zul ssige Drehmomente Admissibl...

Page 4: ...rating Safety 1 1 3 Materials and Products 1 1 5 Machine Design with Regard to Handling 1 2 1 Safety and Reliability of Controllers 1 3 1 Risk of Loss of Stability 1 3 2 Risk of Fracture During Operat...

Page 5: ...1 2 Principios de integraci n de la seguridad 1 1 3 Materiales y productos 1 1 5 Dise o de la m quina con vistas a su manutenci n 1 2 1 Seguridad y fiabilidad de los sistemas de mando 1 3 1 Riesgo de...

Page 6: la machine Pour tout dommage caus du fait de pi ces n tant pas d origine ou de montage erron nous d clinons toute responsabilit Reservedelen en toebehoren Er wordt uitdrukkelijk op gewezen dat nie...

Page 7: ...ENGLISH V4 007 J EN Originalbetriebsanleitung 7 Leistungsdaten Performance data Aerzener Maschinenfabrik P r o p e r t y o f A m e r i c a n A i r l i n e s...

Page 8: ...missioning 21 7 Shutting down Taking out of operation 22 8 Maintenance 23 35 8 1 Inspection Inspection schedule 24 8 2 Maintenance schedule 25 8 3 Lubricating oil specification 26 27 8 4 Lubricating o...

Page 9: ...ll absolve Aerzener Maschinenfabrik of its warranty obligations and its liability to pay damages or compensation as a result of any consequential damage The same shall apply to defects that can be tra...

Page 10: ...of the compressor Otherwise there will be the risk of severe breakdown of machinery Intake side The intake side has to be equipped safely with accessory that meets the operation requirements Please f...

Page 11: ...harge side The volume within the rotors is reduced and the pressure of the material to be conveyed increases The rotors and step up gear feature roller bearings The compressor and gearbox form a singl...

Page 12: ...h the regulations and within its performance limits The sound pressure level may deviate from that stated in the operating data depen ding on the operating state A sound pressure level in excess of 85...

Page 13: ...d when the pressure valve is drained Residual pieces of contaminants dust particles etc may escape along with this Screwed connections should only be retightened while the machine is in a depressuri s...

Page 14: ...used Avoid skin contact with or the swallowing of the lubricant Risk of poisoning Wear protective gloves Used lubricants are extremely harmful to the environment and can contain noxious materials Lub...

Page 15: ...pose a risk of overheating fire and or explosion The protective equipment provides protection against injury and must not be modified or bypassed When using diesel or petrol drive motors there is a ri...

Page 16: Information on operating protecting the compressor stage and the pressurised pipeline elements The compressor stage is protected by oil pressure discharge temperature and discharge pressure sensor...

Page 17: ...ble misuse that can result from easily forseeable human behaviour Operating the machine without having filled the lubricant Operating the machine with too much lubricant Operating the machine with red...

Page 18: ...machine will need to be repacked appropriately see storage and mothballing guidelines TN0 1175 During storage proper preservation packaging and if applicable nitrogen reple nishment must be observed...

Page 19: ...ion relating to this on the installation drawing Remove all packaging material If your machine features an acoustic hood ensure that the inlet and exhaust air louvre profiles can be accessed Ensure th...

Page 20: ...ictions Alignment Position the unit perfectly levelled max deviation from horizontal is 0 2 mm per meter The motor is to be aligned and mounted according to the connecting flange on the compressor In...

Page 21: ...are to be checked The shutdown of the motor is to be checked via every switch in case of running motor ATTENTION Pay attention to number of switching actuations of the driving motor E g set timing re...

Page 22: ...or rotated manually on a regular basis to prevent damage from occurring Please also observe storage and mothballing guidelines TN01175 If water oil coolers or water aftercoolers are in use the inlet v...

Page 23: ...unclear consult Aerzener customer service During inquiries please state order and serial number prevailing faults malfunctions as accurately as possible steps taken to rectify faults Is the machine s...

Page 24: ...technician from Aerzener after 3 years or 20 000 operating hours This includes the preventive maintenance of wearing and replacement parts such as bea rings seal etc We recommend maintaining a stock...

Page 25: ...umulated Intake filter Check degree of filter soiling and replace filter car tridge if necessary max 45 mbar Replace filter cartridge Inlet Exhaust openings please observe the instructions of the unit...

Page 26: ...compared with single component resin primers Adequate shear stability Ambient temperature Temperature in the immediate environment of the machine all year round 2 Single or double shift operation inte...

Page 27: ...ors Continuous operation with differential pressure 1 bar Lubricant to be used ISO VG 46 Fully synthetic PAO poly alpha olefin gearbox or compressor oil Example BP Enersyn RC S 46 Order no 174 884 Ope...

Page 28: ...observed carefully and if necessary to be corrected after short operation time 8 5 Lubricating oil quantities NOTE The quantities of lubricating oil stated here are guide values To determine the quan...

Page 29: manner Remove the hose from the drain valve Screw cap 1 onto the drain valve until it is hand tight If the drain valve becomes loose or completely detached in the thread it must be replaced along w...

Page 30: ...xample Oil filter Example Oil cooler Oil temperature controller Oil cooler The oil cooler cools the lubricating oil during operation and works in conjunction with a temperature controller to ensure a...

Page 31: ...threaded rod 1 this is secured on a type specific basis Oil pressure regulating valve Oil demister Oil demister The oil demister is used to remove any oil mist occurring in the oil chamber The flange...

Page 32: ...ts the machine against contamination and from foreign particles that are carried into the intake flow The resistance of the starting strainer filter element is to be monitored The maximum resistance o...

Page 33: ...ter the non return valve There must not be a shut off device between the valve and the compressor The valve is not a regulating device and must not be used as such The valve is set to the following re...

Page 34: ...coupling prior to first commissioning The service life of the drive elements will be affected depending on the extent of any misalignments If necessary the alignment should be corrected There should...

Page 35: ...ENGLISH V4 007 J EN Originalbetriebsanleitung 35 8 13 driving side compressor SAE connection flange P r o p e r t y o f A m e r i c a n A i r l i n e s...

Page 36: ...vel note the viscosity Replace damaged com ponents Check and comply with operating data there is oil in the ma terial to be conveyed Oil level too high Worn seal Correct oil level Replace seals the in...

Page 37: ...e soiled Check intake pipe Check discharge pipe Check play setting replace components if necessary Ensure there is sufficient inlet air Ensure there is sufficient exhaust air Clean there is a break do...

Page 38: ...All waste products are to be disposed of or treated not harmful to the environment Used lubricants are to be disposed of properly Contaminated components and auxiliary material are to be packed and de...

Page 39: ...vice proc der toutes modifications techniques utiles visant am liorer la qualit des compresseurs Wat de betrft de tekeningen en gegevens in deze bedienings en opstellings hanleiding verbetering van de...

Page 40: ...ENGLISH V4 007 J EN Originalbetriebsanleitung 40 P r o p e r t y o f A m e r i c a n A i r l i n e s...

Page 41: ...i 5 i 6 i 7 i 8 i 9 i 10 i 11 i 12 i 13 i 14 VM 10 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 485 470 VM 037 VG 12 5 VM 20 VM 30 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 485 470 VM 137 137L VG 12 5 VM 45...

Page 42: ...64 723 Telefax 31 0 26 44 63 570 e mail info airental nl After Sales Ser vice 0 51 54 81 529 Aerzen on the Internet www aerzener com Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH Reherweg 28 31855 Aerzen Postfach 11...
