Reasons to change Level-II setting (examples)
1) Initial start up configurations
2) Using tanks other than 9X48
3) Using Valve for Carbon or Iron Filter
4) Setting valve up for use in in Iron Filter
5) Adjusting any cycle or setting to enhance performance
Level-II Programming
(Settings have been pre-set at the factory)
These settings have been made at the factory and are held in memory. Level-II settings will
not be lost during a power outage. However, if adjustments are desired, follow the
directions below.
Valve operation
Regen Mode
Regen Time
Capacity Calc.
Resin Volume (FT3)
Salt Settings (lbs./FT3)
Refill Flow Rate (GPM)
Unit Capacity (grains)
Reserve Capacity
Backwash (min)
Brine/Rinse (min)
Rapid Rinse (min)
Refill (min)