-IO Expansion Board
Ndrive HPe 50/75/100
3.7. Opto Out Connector (Digital Outputs) (TB307, TB308)
The digital outputs are optically-isolated and can be connected in sourcing or sinking configurations. The
digital outputs are designed to connect to other ground referenced circuits and are not intended to provide
high-voltage isolation.
The outputs are software-configurable and must be connected in either all sinking or all sourcing mode.
illustrate how to connect to an output in current sourcing and current sinking
The opto-isolator's common connections can be directly connected to the drive's power supply; however,
doing so will effectively defeat the isolation and will reduce noise immunity.
Table 3-24:
Digital Output Specifications (TB307, TB308)
Opto Device Specifications
Maximum Voltage
24 V maximum
Maximum Sink/Source Current
60 mA/channel @ 50°C
Output Saturation Voltage
2.75 V at maximum current
Output Resistance
33 Ω
Rise / Fall Time
250 usec (typical)
Reset State
Output Off (High Impedance State)
Suppression diodes must be installed on outputs driving relays or other inductive devices. This protects the
outputs from damage caused by inductive spikes. Suppressor diodes, such as the 1N914, can be installed
on all outputs to provide protection. It is important that the diode be installed correctly (normally reversed
biased). Refer to
for an example of a current sinking output with diode suppression and
for an example of a current sourcing output with diode suppression.
Chapter 3