ST 5220
QM 1336.rev.01
The relationship between the voltage supplied to a motor and its operating
speed is described by a motor curve. This curve varies with the make and
capacity of the motor. The various motors available in the industry have been
divided into five categories and the controller has been programmed with a
different motor curve for each of these categories. To ensure that the
controller supplies the correct voltages, an appropriate curve must be
selected for Stage 1 according to the type of fan motors used (see table on
following page).
Selecting a Motor Type for Stage 1
Refer to the list of motors on the following page to determine which type (1
to 5) is appropriate for the motors used.
Set the selection knob to STAGE
1 — BANDWIDTH. The Stage 1
bandwidth is displayed, alternat-
ing with the letters "bd".
Press the push-button. The cur-
rently selected type is displayed,
alternating with the letters "tYP".
Use the adjustment knob to adjust the type to the desired value.
Return to the Stage 1 bandwidth display by pressing the push-button.