Blade 2
Building instructions - Blade 2
Page 3
The vertical fins (15) can now be glued to the motor pods. Note that the tips should be canted inward:
they should be about 22 cm apart.
Launch mechanism
Bend the launch hook to shape from the steel rod (16) to accept the tow-ring (17). Drill a hole for the
hook in the underside of the fuselage on the centreline, 2 cm behind the fuselage separation line. Glue
the hook securely in the hole.
Cut an opening in the fuselage (1) at a point 17 cm forward of the tail end of the fuselage. The opening
must be large enough to accept one finger, but with generous clearance to ensure that your finger
does not get stuck when the model is launched. Glue a piece of wood on the inside of the finger hole,
facing the tail, and round it off carefully so that your finger does not press against a sharp edge when
the rubber catapult is stretched.
Glue the steel pin (3) in the fuselage (1) at the front
edge of the recess for the canopy (2); it should be
angled forward as shown. Glue the brass tube (4) to
the front of the canopy (2) as follows: slip the tube
(4) on the steel pin (3), apply a little epoxy to the
tube and press the canopy (2) down onto it. Leave
the epoxy to set hard, then remove the canopy and
apply more epoxy round the joint. Open up the front
face of the auxiliary air intake in the top of the
canopy (2).
The RC system receiver, speed controller and
receiver battery are stowed under the removable
canopy. The canopy is first fitted onto the steel rod
in the fuselage, then secured by means of two self-
tapping screws through the canopy flange and into
the fuselage, about 20 cm from the front on both sides. Glue scrap pieces of plywood over the inside
of the holes to provide additional support for the screws. A length of steel wire is installed in the
fuselage forward of the spar which can be used as the aerial. However, please read the instructions
regarding aerials supplied by your RC system manufac-turer, and carry out a range check before flying
the model.
The speed controller should be located under the canopy (2) in line with the auxiliary air intake, so that
it is cooled by the airflow through it. Cut a hole through the fuselage forward of the speed controller
through which the cables can be routed.
Opening on the