Post Flight Inspection
Keep your plane flying well and safely.
Perform these checks before every flight and definitely after every hard landing or crash.
Power Off First!
Unplug the flight battery before turning the transmitter power off.
Propeller in good Condition and
Main Wing Centered.
Replace the propeller if worn or damaged.
Control Surfaces Level and Functional.
If the control surfaces don’t return to center
position, a servo may have pulled out of the mounting screws and will require remounting.
If you find that the control surfaces don’t move with stick movement but you hear the
servo gear noise, check for a detached or broken servo arm or gear(s).
Wing and Tail Damage.
Repair foam tear-outs with wide clear packaging tape. Use a 5 minute Epoxy to
repair more serious breaks in the foam. Check the wing, tail fin and horizontal stabilizer for rigidity. A crack
or deep crease will make the surface flimsy. Use Epoxy to repair cracks in the foam, otherwise replace it.
A warped or twisted wing will not fly!
Protect your wings from heat and deformation by transporting
and storing the wings in the foam package.