Theory of Operation
3.3 Initialization Sequence
When operating in the three Transparent Serial Interface Modes, the initilization sequence is
managed by the AeroComm protocol. In-Range commands are not issued and there is no acknowledge from
the radio on data delivery unless the OEM protocol has built-in acknowledgement.
When operating in the API Serial Interface Mode 03, the following initialization sequence
. During the power up sequence or upon a
command, the Clear to Send (CTS) line is set high
(5V TTL logic levels). While CTS is high, initialization occurs, and when finished, CTS is put low
indicating successful initialization is complete.
Note: At this point, the only command that can not be issued is the Send_data* command. This
command can only be issued after the RF_enable* and In_range* commands have been issued.
Before data communications can begin, a client radio needs to be authenticated. The client host
must issue an
command to activate the client radio and receive an acknowledgement from the
client radio. The server radio transmits a beacon containing it’s IEEE 802.3 address. Once the client radio
has been activated by use of the
command, it will receive the server radio IEEE 802.3 address
once it is in range. Upon receiving the IEEE 802.3 server radio address, the client radio will issue an
command to the Client Host containing the IEEE 802.3 server radio address.
The client host must receive the
command from the client radio before the
command is invoked. Broadcast mode, as defined by IEEE 802.3, is supported and can be used to send
data to all radios that are within range but its use should be limited because reception of the message is not
When the last bit of data is transferred from the Host to the radio, the Host must wait for the CTS
line to transition high (meaning that the radio has found the end of the data packet) and then transition back
low (meaning that the radio is ready for the next command).
Clear To Send minimum delay of 40
s between (1) and (2) after end of data packet
Note: All serial data must be transmitted LSB first.
Note: These radios are designed to be single threaded, meaning that for every command issued, there
is a reply command that signifies the completion of the command issued. There can be no
interleaving of commands.
Delay for reply command
If level translators are
used the CTS signal will be
inverted coming from the radio.
LSB First
From Host