Tips for use
Pedicure-callus remover
How does this method of callus removal work?
The special coating gently removes excess skin. The rotating roller gets to work quickly on
the affected areas.
Since the roller slows down when the pressure on it is increased, you are protected against
injury. You do not need experience in foot care.
NOTE: To make the treatment more effective
• Always apply the roller gently.
• You can treat individual areas again and again.
• Apply the roller to the affected areas from different directions.
When should I not use the appliance?
• Never use the appliance on badly cracked skin or open wounds!
• Do not use on birthmarks or moles.
• If you suffer from illnesses such as diabetes, haemophilia or immune deficiency, first
consult your doctor.
• Excessive use can lead to skin irritations. In this case, stop using the appliance until the
redness has faded.
Do I have to pre-treat my feet?
No. The callus is best removed when dry.
Water or skin cream affects the application of the treatment. If necessary, quickly wash your
feet and dry well.
• If the callus is very tough to start with, a more even result will be achieved by re-
peated short applications. Therefore, gently use the appliance each day.
• To prevent the skin from cracking, use a skin cream after treatment.
• After about 7 to 10 days you should achieve good results. Normally, 1 to 2 applica-
tions per week should suffice thereafter.