Chapter 3
3.3 Installing a Hard Disk
The procedure for installing a hard disk into the UNO-2182 is below.
Please follow these steps carefully.
Remove the power cord.
Unscrew six screws from the down storage panel of the UNO-2182.
Remove the storage panel.
Install 2.5" HDD on storage panel and please notice the cable con-
nector on HDD for IDE should be near bottom triangle sign of stor-
age panel, and screw 4 screws on the back side of storage panel
connector IDE cable with Standard PATA and CN7 or SATA HDD
with CN40 (SATA signal) and CN41 (SATA power), , please also
refer CN40 and CN41 pin assginment in A.11
Screw back the down storage panel with 6 screws
Note CN8 is primary's master
CN7 is Primary
Please do not use CN8 and CN7 at same time.
If your OS is build in CF card and program,applica-
tion and data are save in HDD, please install CF in
CN8 and connect SATA HDD in CN40 (SATA signal)
and CN41 (SATA power), please also refer CN40
and CN41 pin assignment in A.11.