Chapter 1
– 4 –
PCI-1721 User’s Manual
Advantech Co., Ltd.
1.2 Applications
Process control
Programmable voltage source
Programmable current sink
Servo control
Multiple loop PID control
Simulate function generator
1.3 Installation Guide
Before you install your PCI-1721 card, please make sure you have the
following necessary components:
PCI-1721 DA&C card
PCI-1721 User’s Manual
Driver software
Advantech DLL drivers
(included in the companion CD-ROM)
Wiring cable
PCL-10168 (optional)
Wiring board
ADAM-3968 (optional)
Personal computer or workstation with a
PCI-bus slot (running Windows 95/98/NT/
Some other optional components are also available for enhanced
Application software
ActiveDAQ, GeniDAQ or other third-party
software packages (the waveform output
function of Analog Output is not included)
After you get the necessary components and maybe some of the
accessories for enhanced operation of your Multifunction card, you
can then begin the Installation procedures. Figure 1-1 on the next page
provides a concise flow chart to give users a broad picture of the
software and hardware installation procedures: