Report Designer
Responsible for designing and generating operation reports. Users can design the report format using
a tabular form tool and define a schedule to print the report automatically. Report Designer will
periodically collect the real-time data and combine the data with data format to generate report at the
scheduled time.
Script Designer
Responsible for controlling tasks and calculating and analyzing real-time data.
provides a
VBA compatible development environment for script programming.
The design work in
is saved as a strategy file. A strategy file (with extension .GNI) is a binary
file that stores all information about an editing session. A strategy is defined as one or more “tasks”
together with one or more “displays” and one or no “main script”. “Task”, “Display”, and “Main Script”
are the three primary elements used to design strategies. A simple strategy has one task with one
display and no main script, because a strategy can not function without at least one Task in it. Task
are essential to have a strategy. Because the most important job of a task is to provide timing for
“scanning”, so “Scan Task” is used interchangeably with “Task” throughout this manual.
A task is a collection of icon blocks. A display is a collection of display items. Icon blocks and display
items are the building blocks of strategy. You can see them as similar objects, except that display
items have a graphic representation (provide some kind of GUI) when running while icon blocks do
not. They are connected to each other by connection wires or invisible links. The connections be-
tween icon blocks are visible in the task designer window. The links are referred to as “wires” be-
cause of their appearance. The connection between an icon block and a display item, or one display
item and another, is not visible. Hence, these are referred to as “Links”.
Each task and display has its own properties. When first created, default properties are assigned to
the new task or new display. Users can change properties according to their needs. A task has
properties such as scan period, sample rate, starting method and stopping method. A display has
properties such as display name, visibility, etc.
features four different editors: Task Designer, Display Designer, Report Designer and Script
Designer. They are used to edit Tasks, Displays, Reports and Main Script respectively. Because there
can be multiple tasks in one strategy, you can create multiple Task Designer windows inside
For the same reason, you can create multiple Display Designer windows for editing multiple
In any application there can be only one Main Script. Therefore, only one Script Designer
window can be
Any number of Blocks and I/O Devices can be used at one time, limited only by your system’s speed
and memory. It is suggested that the number of icon blocks not exceed 500. If the number of icon
blocks exceeds 500 system performance may be adversely affected. From small applications inter-
facing only a few blocks, through full-scale industrial process control systems running many I/O
Devices simultaneously,
provides you with the quickest and most efficient acquisition/control