User Manual V3.3
If you are experiencing problems with the operation of the system, you may reset
power to the system using the isolator switch located next to your air conditioner’s
outdoor unit. Turn the isolator switch off and leave it off. Then try pressing the
button to wake the touch screen. The touch screen should be inoperable. After a
5-minute delay, turn the isolator back on and allow approximately 3 minutes for the
system to initialize.
If air volume control is applicable, then increase all zones to 100%.
If you have wireless wall sensors ensure the batteries are not low, if the
batteries are low a warning will be displayed on your ZONES page.
Check for any fault codes displayed in the SETUP page, if a fault code is
shown contact your dealer and advise them of the fault code.
• Ensure your MyPlace tablet is up to date with the latest app updates from
the Google Play Store.
If you are still having trouble, contact our support centre on 1300 850 191.
We are open from 6am to 5pm WST, Monday to Friday.
Tech Setup
This button is used by your air conditioning professional to configure and
commission your system on the day of installation; there are no user settings in this
Status Window
Warnings about your air conditioning system will be displayed here such as low
battery warnings for your temperature sensors or air conditioning unit status codes.
Your installers phone number may be displayed here so it’s always on hand when it
comes time for your annual service.