Installation and Operation Manual S400 series
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Acquire data through its NMEA input
Send data via its NMEA output
Exchange data on the Plastimo bus
In the event of an alarm, activate external lights and buzzers
To do so, it is supplied with 2 connection cables:
1 connector-free cable for the power supply, the bus, the NMEA IN & OUT, the alarm
1 LT8 cable for connection to the wind vane-gauge sensor
The WIND/WIND-a is part of the advanSea family of navigation instruments,
including instruments for measuring speed, depth, and wind. They may be
connected together to form an integrated data system for a boat (see chapter 2.6).
Components supplied with WIND/WIND-a
The WIND/WIND-a S400 display comes with (as standard):
protective cover
user manual
Warranty card
Adhesive rear sealing joint for flush mounting
The WIND/WIND-a S400 is supplied with or without a wind sensor. You can order
complete kits, or consult our website
You will also find a complete list of accessories at
1.3. Technical characteristics
Measurement characteristics
Wind vane:
Display range:
0° to 180° port/starboard
or 0° / 359°
1° on the digital display, 10° on the
analogue display
Configurable offset:
Display range:
from 0 to 199 knots
0.1 from 0 to 19.9 knots and 1 above
Calibration on 1 measurement point
Battery voltage:
Measurement range:
from 10.0V to 16.5V
Electrical specifications
Buzzer output (green
Switched to ground, open collector, 30 V DC and 300 mA max. It
is recommended to protect this output with a 300 mA fuse.
NMEA 0183:
Version 3.01, asynchronous 4800 baud, 8 bit link, without parity,
1 stop bit. The electrical levels used on the NMEA output are
referenced to the ground and vary according to the system’s
voltage supply. .On powering on, a proprietary NMEA frame
$PNKEV, WIND V1.2*25 is sent to identify the transmitter.