background image

If there is no activity for 10 seconds after a parameter is 
displayed for possible change, the final parameter settings are 
printed one more time, and the printer goes into normal 
READY mode. 
Parameter changes, if any, are saved if the 10 second timeout 
occurs, or if the LEFT ARROW button is pressed. 
Here is a list of the parameters that can be set, and their 
possible values.  The bold value is the default value, which 
works out of the box for the Copicode Alpha. 
Data Bits:  


  or 8 



, Even or Odd 

Baud Rate: 300, 600, 


, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400 

Country:  Various, with 


 as the default 

Font:  the three shown above, with 

32 C/l

 as the default 

Auto-Off:  Disabled, 1 Min, 

5 Min 


DTR (RTS):  


, Inverted 

Dbl Ticket:  


, ON 

Auto Off refers to the automatic power shutoff battery-saving 
feature mentioned earlier.  Dbl Ticket refers to whether you 
want to print on two layer thermal paper or not. 
Picture 1:  Lifting the Lid 
Picture 2:  Adding the Thermal Paper 
Picture 3:  Keyboard Layout  
