Appendix A
Troubleshooting table
V. Catalyst-Activity Test Failure
Jar has not passed the
corresponding test. There
isn’t enough activity to
achieve and maintain an
anaerobic atmosphere in
the jar
No catalyst in the jar
Insert catalyst in the appropriate location and
restart the recipe
Not enough catalysts in the jar
Reuse of disposable catalyst
See Catalyst section in the User guide
No H2 in the gas mixture
Check the cylinder. The minimum requirement for
Hydrogen is 5%. (See Standard gas mixture)
Appears during a
microaerophilic recipe
Catalyst-activity test failure
A catalyst was mistakenly put in the jar. Remove catalyst,
air out of the jar and restart the recipe
VI. System Errors
System does not start up
No power. Fuses are blown
Check plugs. Call Service engineer
Pump time exceeded
Jar was disconnected
during evacuation
Reconnect the jar
Lid of jar was opened during recipe
Close and retighten the clamp
Pump is losing capacity
Pump needs to be serviced
Fill time exceeded
Enough pressure but not enough
gas flow
Check for kinks in the gas tube. Open the gas supply fully
or replace gas cylinder if it is nearly empty
Gas inlet port restricted or blocked by
Contact your local Anoxomat distributor or Advanced
Jar was disconnected during filling
Reconnect jar and restart the recipe
Lid of jar was opened during program Close and retighten the clamp. Restart the recipe
Lid was not tightened enough with
the jar lid clamp, allowing gas to
escape during last stages of the
filling process
Tighten the jar clamp and restart