Ultraviolet light, heat, humidity, sea water, aggressive cleaning agents,
unsuitable storing and physical abuse ( dragging across the ground )
speed up the ageing process .
The life of a paraglider can be extended significantly by observing the
following advice:
Allow a wet or damp glider to dry by leaving it completely unpacked
at room temperature, or outside in the shade .
If the glider gets wet with salt ( sea ) water rinse it thoroughly with
fresh water .
Clean the glider only with fresh water, and a little neutral soap if nec-
essary . Do not use solvents under any circumstances .
If the glider has been subjected to increased stress ( such as a tree
landing ) have it examined by an expert .
Regularly remove sand, leaves, stones and snow from the cells .
Openings with Velcro closures are provided at the wing tips for this
purpose .
Do not leave the glider out in the sun unnecessarily before and after
flight ( UV light ) .
Do not subject the packed glider to excessive temperature
fluctuations, and do ensure adequate air circulation to prevent con-
densation forming .
Do not drag the glider across the ground .
When landing, make sure that the canopy does not fall on its lead-
ing edge .
with care: All these points should be observed because
the OMEGA XALPS 3 is a lightweight wing . .
The Edelrid “Magix Pro” Aramid lines on the OMEGA XALPS 3 are con-
siderably stronger than conventional covered lines, and this continues
to apply as time and use go by . After the standard kink test (5 .000
bendings from new) residual strength is 17 % more than a comparab-
le covered product . In addition, the thousands of routine line snapping
tests carried out by ADVANCE after at least a year’s use show Edelrid
Aramid line strength to be 20 % higher – again when compared to a
covered line .
Maintenance and checks