Burning varnished wood, impregnated wood, chipboard, paper and other waste is strictly forbidden. Burning these
materials will damage the environment, the wood burning stove and your own health. Fossil fuels must not be
3.3 How do I light a fire in the wood burning stove?
The fire lighting method is very important for starting combustion quickly and efficiently.
1) Open the primary air intake/damper as well the secondary/tertiary. The primary damper is used at the start
to get the fire going, while the secondary air intake keeps the fire burning evenly. To open the primary air
intake the damper should be pulled out. The illustration below shows the stove seen from the front with the
dampers indicated.
2) Place a log of wood crosswise in the combustion chamber and put 2 firelighters close to the log. Light the
firelighters and quickly put a new log close to the firelighters and several small logs at an angle above it. Air
must be able to reach the firelighters, but the logs should be touching to “warm” each other.
3) Keep the door approx. 1 cm ajar, until the glass is too hot to touch. Then close the door. When there are
distinct, visible flames and the fire has taken hold, close the primary air intake/damper.
See description of the dampers on the next page.
Primary air intake
Secondary air intake