Click on the ‘Apply’ button to apply the configuration changes.
Always remember to save your changes by clicking on ‘Save’ at the top of the
Web GUI.
Command Line Interface Configuration
An RBS trunk is configured over a T1 interface. To begin, we must setup the T1
interface correctly and then connect it to the RBS trunk.
Note: The configuration parameters used in the examples are for instructional
purposes only. Please replace all underlined entries (i.e. example) with your
specific parameters to configure your application.
Configuring the T1 Interface
First, you must create a TDM group. The following example creates a TDM
group of 24 DS0s (Channels 1-24 at 64kbps each) on the T1 connection.
Note: The Web Configuration will create 24 individual TDM groups each
comprised of one DS0. This is necessary if a particular DID needs to go to a
particular channel on the RBS Trunk (Multiple voice trunk accounts and trunk
groups are needed for this functionality). If this is not necessary and any DID
can go down any channel, only one TDM group is needed when configuring via
the CLI (This situation is used for the Web Configuration and the Command Line
Interface Configuration in this guide).
(config)#interface t1 0/2
(config-t1 0/2)#description RBS T1 to PBX