Note: Your configuration is now complete. Please consult the section titled “Testing
Internet Access” if you experience difficulties accessing the Internet.
Configuring via the Command Line Interface:
Note: Please follow the instructions in the section ‘Resetting the NetVanta 2054’, before
following the command line interface instructions. This will ensure that the configuration
of your NetVanta 2054 is ready for the commands in this section.
Accessing the Command Line Interface:
The command line interface is available via the Console Port and via Telnet through the
Ethernet interface.
Using the Console Port
You will need a 9 Pin Male to 9 Pin Female straight through cable and a VT100 emulator
(Example: HyperTerminal) to access the Console Port. Use the following settings in the
VT100 emulator.
9600 Baud
8 Data Bits
1 Stop Bit
No Parity Bits
No Flow Control
Using Telnet
Telnet is a service that can be accessed via an Ethernet connection to the NetVanta 2054.
Configure a computer with an IP Address in the same subnet as the NetVanta’s private
interface. From the factory the NetVanta uses; your computer can be Use the section titled “Resetting the NetVanta 2054” to return your NetVanta
2054 to the factory default settings.
Gaining Administrative Access via the Command Line Interface:
Type ‘enable’ to gain access to privileged mode.
Type ‘configure terminal’ to access configuration mode.
Configuring the Public Interface:
Type ‘interface eth 0/1’ to access the Public Interface.
Type ‘no shutdown’ to enable the Public Interface.