Real Time MPEG 2 Streaming Encoder
Version 1.3
Adtec Digital, Inc. USA
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Secondary Audio (SAP)
The SAP option adds a second audio DSP (factory install only). This
provides a second stereo audio encoding feature to be and multiplexed
in either a program or transport stream.
To enable SAP, click in the SAP check box.
If the SAP DSP is not installed, the following modal window will be
Stereo Input 2 Type (Secondary Audio)
Dolby AC-3 Stereo Encoding profile. This
option is exclusive to the edje-2100. Availability
is in Q4 2002.
Layer 1
MPEG 1 Layer 1 Audio Encoding profile. Layer
1 requires a higher bit rate than Layer 2 for
similar fidelity. Layer 1 is intended use is with
MPEG 1 video.
Layer 1 supports data rates from 32 Kbits/s to
448 Kbits/s in 32 K steps.
Layer 2
MPEG 2 Layer 2 Audio Encoding profile. Layer
2 is more efficient than Layer 1 therefore
provides higher fidelity at lower bit rates. Layer
2 supports 32, 48, 56, 64, 96, 112, 128, 160,
192, 224, 256, 320, 384 Kbits/s.
Layer 2 is the preferred audio encoding
profile for MPEG 2.
Layer 3
Available in Q3 2002
MPEG 4 Advanced Audio Coding. Availability
Stereo Input 2 Data Rate (Secondary)
Based on Audio Type
Set the Audio Type the select the Data Rate by
the pull down menu.
Layer 2, 48 KHz, 224 K is
the preferred broadcast setting.