When it is almost done charging, the green light will turn on. You should continue to
charge the batteries for some time
It is recommended that you charge your batteries for 10 – 12 hours
When the batteries are fully charged, unplug the off-board from the wall socket and
then from the 3-pin charger receptacle
Put the charger with its cord into the back bag of your scooter
The battery can also be charged while detached from the scooter.
The battery should be stored on a clean, dry and nonconductive surface, otherwise the
battery will cause a fire hazard
To break in new batteries for maximum efficiency:
Fully recharge any new battery prior to its initial use. This brings the battery up to
about 90% of its optimum performance level
Operate your scooter around the house and yard. Move slowly at first, and do not
stray too far until you become accustomed to your scooter and know how to control
the driving distance from the battery condition indicator
Give the batteries another full charge of 10 – 12 hours and operate your scooter
again. The batteries will now perform at over 90% of their potential
After four or five charging cycles, the batteries will top off at 100% charge and last
for an extended period
The battery charger takes the standard wall outlet voltage (alternating current) and converts
it into 12VDC (direct current). This scooter’s battery uses direct current to run your scooter.
When the battery voltage is low, the charger sends more current to the battery. When the
battery is fully charged, the current sent to them, from the charger, is nearly at zero.
Therefore, when the charger is plugged in, it does not overcharge the battery.
You can charge the batteries as soon as you are finished using your scooter. This is for the
benefit of prolonging the life of the battery.
Infrequent use:
If you use your scooter infrequently (once a week or less), you should charge the
battery at least once a week for 10 – 12 hours
Keep the battery in dry circumstances and avoid deeply discharging your batteries. Do not
charge the batteries for more than 24 hours at a charging cycle