Adobe LiveCycle
Configuring LiveCycle Products
Installing and Configuring LiveCycle Security Products for JBoss
Configuring LiveCycle products for deployment 48
23. (LiveCycle Reader Extensions) On the Reader Extensions Configuration screen, complete the product
configuration, and then click
Directory for PDF uploads and storage
: The root directory for product application files, including
uploaded and result files. This directory can be specified as an absolute path or relative to the web
application directory. The default value is /WEB-INF/work.
Days before results are expired
: The expiration period (in days) for result files. Result files and
uploaded files are deleted no sooner than the expiration directory. The default value is 3.
Message to display if a later version of Adobe Reader is required
: The default message to show
users of a rights-enabled PDF document if the document requires a later version of Adobe Reader.
URL to download later version of Adobe Reader
: The URL where the users of the rights-enabled
PDF documents can obtain the latest version of Adobe Reader.
24. (LiveCycle Reader Extensions) On the Reader Extensions Locale Configuration screen, configure the
default locale settings for the product, and then click
Respect browser locale
: Specifies whether the web application user’s browser uses the
browser-specified locale. If the value is False, the value specified by the
defaultISO639LanguageCode and defaultISO3166CountryCode parameters are used. The default
value is True.
Default language code
: The ISO 639 Language Code for the default language. The default value is
Default country code:
The ISO 3166 Country Code for the default country. The default value is US.
25. (LiveCycle Reader Extensions, LiveCycle Document Security) On the PDFAgent Module Configuration
screen, configure the maximum number of simultaneous processes allowed on the application server.
If you do not want a limit on the number of simultaneous processes, set the value to 0. If you are not
sure what the value should be, accept the default value of 2.
26. (LiveCycle Reader Extensions, LiveCycle Document Security) On the APSProxy Module Configuration
screen, if applicable, verify that the LiveCycle Policy Server host name, RMI Port, and application server
initial context factory values are correct, and then click
LiveCycle Policy Server must be located on the same computer or subnet as
LiveCycle Reader Extensions or LiveCycle Document Security.
27. (LiveCycle Policy Server) Select the default locale to ensure that audit events are recorded and
displayed in the appropriate language, and then click
28. Review the configuration summary information and click
to change any settings or click
continue. When you continue, Configuration Manager configures the LiveCycle product properties
using the specified values and assembles the products into the LiveCycle.ear file.
29. On the Configure and Assemble products summary screen, click
30. Click
to close Configuration Manager.
Next step
You can now manually configure the application server. (See
“Manually Configuring JBoss” on page 49