You can use the operators: “and,” “or,” and “not” if they are preceded and
followed by a space. For example, you could type “vacation and kids” to find
only images with both words in their metadata, not just either one. You can
also use special keywords to narrow the search—to a specific type of media,
for example.
In order to hide files from view in the Media Browser use the menu options
under Edit > Visibility.
First, expand the Stack or Version Set; then right-click the image you wish to
be displayed for the collapsed group. From the context menu, choose Stack >
Set As Top Photo or Version Set > Set As Top Item.
Lesson 4: creating Projects
After the first three lessons, which were all somewhat theoretical, your students
will have a lot of fun with this lesson where they will finally see some output .
Lesson 4 explores the Create mode and is made up of three creative projects.
The three projects in this lesson are loosely organized in order of complexity and
duration but can be approached independently in terms of skills and procedures. It
should be easy to complete all three in a single class session but, depending on your
course strategy, you could also separate them and use them singly to liven up drier
lessons made up of re-combinations of exercises from the three preceding chapters.
The third project—assembling a photo collage—includes a fairly detailed intro-
duction to layers which will serve as a good basis for many of the more technical
exercises in subsequent lessons.
Goals for this lesson
The objectives for Lesson 4 are to introduce your students to the opportunities
for showcasing their own images in creative photo projects and digital projects by
using the options available in the Create mode.
Your students should be aware of all of the options available on the Create tab.
Students should recognize the basic project workflow common to most
creations, first specifying format, printing method, and theme template, and
then using the Pages, Layout, Artwork, and Text tabs to develop a design.
They should become familiar with accessing the wide range of artwork available
in the Content panel and on the Artwork tab once a project is underway.