User Guide
About display options
The options that the Emulator tab provides let you simulate display conditions that might occur on a mobile device.
These include conditions that set phone parameters determine, such as the backlight or time out, and conditions that
the environment in which the phone might be used determines, such as sunlight on the screen. All display options
remain in effect until you change them. The Emulator tab does not retain the Backlight, Timeout, and Reflections
display settings for individual devices. (However, the Gamma and Contrast settings are saved for each individual
Change display options
Open the Emulator tab by doing one of the following:
From Adobe Device Central, select File > Open, navigate to a file, and double-click the file.
In a supported Adobe application, open a file and select Control > Test Movie.
On the Adobe Device Central Emulator tab, expand the Display panel.
Change the following options as necessary:
The Backlight slider lets you decrease the brightness of the backlight as it would normally do when going
into sleep mode. Some mobile device users also purposely lower their backlight brightness to save battery power.
When designing mobile content, check if the content is visible with low backlight. (If you change the backlight
settings, the settings stay in place as you open different devices for testing on the Emulator tab.)
If the Timeout function is enabled, the Backlight slider is disabled. To enable the Backlight slider, turn the Timeout
option off.
Lets you automatically test the time-out function. The default is unchecked. Checking this option enables
the backlight time-out function. In the text fields, set how many seconds before the backlight times out. The default
setting is four seconds. Like on the actual device, after the backlight goes out because of inactivity on the device, it
turns on again as soon as activity resumes. To ignore any time-out settings while you test, deselect the check box
Lets you change the display contrast to test the visual appearance of the contents under different contrast
conditions. Defaults to 0 with a range of 100 to -100.
Lets you change the display gamma to test the visual appearance of the contents with different gamma
conditions. Defaults to 0 with a range of 100 to -100.
Lets you simulate different environmental conditions in which to test the visual appearance of your
Use Opera’s Small-Screen Rendering
If you are testing Dreamweaver content, use the Rendering panel to see how an HTML file appears on a device that
supports Opera’s Small-Screen Rendering.
Open the Emulator tab by doing one of the following:
From Adobe Device Central, select File > Open, navigate to a file, and double-click the file.
In Dreamweaver, open a file and select File > Preview In Browser > Device Central.
On the Adobe Device Central Emulator tab, expand the Rendering panel.
Select Small Screen Rendering.
Summary of Contents for 29400084 - Photoshop CS3 Extended
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