Photoshop CS Scripting Guide
Scripting basics
Commands and methods
2.8.2 Control structures
Control structures provide for repetitive processes, or “loops.” The idea of a loop is to repeat
some action, with or without changes each time through the loop, until a condition is met.
Both AppleScript and Visual Basic have a variety of different control structures to choose
from. The simplest form of a loop is one that repeats a series of script operations a set number
of times.
repeat with counter from 1 to 3
display dialog counter
end repeat
For counter = 1 to 3
MsgBox counter
for (i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
A more complicated type of control structure includes conditional logic, so that it loops while
or until some condition is true or false.
set flag to false
repeat until flag = true
set flag to button returned of (display dialog "Quit?" ¬
buttons {"Yes", "No"}) = "Yes"
end repeat
set flag to false
repeat while flag = false
set flag to button returned of (display dialog "Later?" ¬
buttons {"Yes", "No"}) = "No"
end repeat