C/C++ Libraries
4.8 _7432_Set_INT_Control / _7433_Set_INT_Control
@ Description
The PCI-7432 or PCI-7433 has dual interrupts system, two
interrupt sources can be generated and be checked by the
software. This function is used to select and control PCI-
7432/33 interrupt sources by writing data to interrupt control
register. The interrupt source can be set as from Channel 0
(INT1) or channel 1 (INT2) of digital input channels. Only one
of interrupt sources can be set as enable.
@ Syntax
C/C++ (DOS)
void _7432_Set_INT_Control (U16 cardNo, U16 int1Flag,
U16 int2Flag)
C/C++ (Windows 95)
void W_7432_Set_INT_Control (U16 cardNo, U16
int1Flag, U16 int2Flag)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_7432_Set_INT_Control (ByVal cardNo As Integer,
ByVal int1Flag As Integer, ByVal int2Flag As Integer)
C/C++ ( DOS)
void _7433_Set_INT_Control (U16 cardNo, U16 int1Flag,
U16 int2Flag)
C/C++ (Windows 95)
void W_7433_Set_INT_Control (U16 cardNo, U16
int1Flag, U16 int2Flag)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_7433_Set_INT_Control (ByVal cardNo As Integer,
ByVal int1Flag As Integer, ByVal int2Flag As Integer)
@ Argument
cardNo :
card number to select board
int1Flag :
INT1 setting; 0: disable, 1: enable
int2Flag :
INT2 setting; 0: disable, 1: enable