ADK-16300 Administrator guide
یا ژاساپ بنج رصعیلو نادیم : سردآ
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25 / 99
CID Start
This option allows you to define the start of a Caller ID
Ring: Start when a ring is received (Caller ID Signaling:
Bell_USA, DTMF).
Polarity: Start when a polarity reversal is started (Caller
ID Signaling: V23_UK, V23_JP,DTMF).
Before Ring: Start before a ring is received (Caller ID
Signaling: DTMF).
CID Signalling
This option defines the type of Caller ID signaling to use.
It can be set to one of the following:
Bell_USA: bell202 as used in the United States
v23_UK: suitable in the UK
v23_Japan: suitable in Japan
v23-Japan pure: suitable in Japan
DTMF: suitable in Denmark, Sweden, and Holland
Busy Detection
Busy Detection is used to detect far end hang-up or for
detecting a busy signal. Select “Yes” to turn this feature
Budy Count
If Busy Detection is enabled, it is also possible to specify
how many busy tones to wait for before disconnecting
the call. The default is 4, but better results can be
achieved if set to 6 or even 8. Remember, the higher the
number, the more time will be required to release a
channel. A higher setting lowers the probability that you
will encounter random hang-ups.
Busy Interval
The busy detection interval
Busy Pattern
If Busy Detection is enabled, it is also possible to specify
the cadence of your busy signal.In many Countries, it is
500msec on, 500msec off. If a Busy Pattern is not
specified,The system will accept any regular sound-
silence pattern that repeats <Busy Count> times as
a busy signal. If you specify Busy Pattern, then the
system will further check the length of thetone and
silence, which will further reduce the chance of a false
positive disconnection.
Used for Frequency Detection (Enable detecting the busy
signal frequency or not).
Busy Frequency
If the Frequency Detection is enabled, you must specify
the local frequency.
Hangup Polarity
Reversal Detection
The call will be considered as “hang up” on a polarity
Figure 3-5-1bGSM Trunks