Focus Spot 2X
Focus Spot 2X
Warranty Registration
The Focus Spot 2X carries a 2 year limited warranty. Please fill out the enclosed warranty card to
validate your purchase. All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must be freight pre-
paid and accompany a return authorization (R.A.) number. The R.A. number must be clearly written on
the outside of the return package. A brief description of the problem as well as the R.A. number must
also be written down on a piece of paper included in the shipping carton. If the unit is under warranty,
you must provide a copy of your proof of purchase invoice. You may obtain a R.A. number by con-
tacting our customer support team on our customer support number. All packages returned to the
service department not displaying a R.A. number on the outside of the package will be returned to the
ADJ Products, LLC - www.adj.com - Focus Spot 2X User Manual Page 4
• Individual Color and Gobo Wheels
• 8 White
• 6 Rotating Replaceable Gobos + Open
• 6 Facet Circular Prism & 6 Facet Linear Prism
• Electronic Dimming 0-100%
• DMX-512 protocol
• 3-Pin DMX Connections
• 2 DMX Channel Modes: 16/18
• Multiple Unit Power Linking (See page 27)
1 x powerCON Cable
1 x Mounting Bracket