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The Entour Haze Pro carries a one year (365 days) limited warranty.
Please fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate your purchase.
All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must be
freight pre-paid and accompany a return authorization (R.A.) number.
The R.A. number must be clearly written on the outside of the return
package. A brief description of the problem as well as the R.A. num-
ber must also be written down on a piece of paper and included in
the shipping container. If the unit is under warranty, you must provide
a copy of your proof of purchase invoice. You may obtain a R.A. num-
ber by contacting customer support at (800) 322-6337.
Entour Haze Pro Warranty Registration
Power Connected but no haze is emittied:
1. Check the power supply. Plug the unit into grounded power supply
socket with proper voltage.
2. Disconnect haze machine from power supply. Replace fuse with
one of the same type.
3. Make sure there is sufficient fluid in the tank
4. Make sure the atomization head is not blocked or damaged.
5. Make sure your controller is connected correctly.
6. Check your DMX address setting.
Entour Haze Pro
Trouble Shooting
Entour Haze Pro Maintenance
ADJ Products, LLC - www.adj.com - Entour Haze Pro Instruction Manual Page 15
When storing your machine be sure to store it in a cool area. Cover
the machine so that dust does not build up on the unit. Only run
oil based Haze juice through your machine. Never run plain water,
vinegar, or any other liquid solution through your machine. Running
anything other then oil based Haze juice will severly damage your
Entour Haze Pro Storage
Before doing maintenance, please make sure that the power is off,
and the power cord is unplugged.
The maintenance should be done by a qualified person.
1. Avoid heavy output.
2. Do not let the fluid get dirty.
3. Prolonged use, flight case side air filter can accumulate dust,
periodically remove the flight case side cover and remove the air
filter to do the cleaning, after cleaning, be sure to dry the air filter
after replacing the flight case again.
4. Clean the directional fan blower regularly.
5. Prolonged use, sponge under the turntable of smoke outlet may
accumulate oil, periodically cleaned out or replaced with a new
6. Never operate the unit upside down. Do not store the unit upside
7. Never mix oil based haze fluid and water based fog fluid.
Unplug the unit from any power source it may be connected to. Once
the power has be disconnected, use a flat head screw driver to unscrew
the fuse holder located above the power switch. Remove the bad fuse
and replace with a new one, and screw the fuse holder back in.
Entour Haze Pro Fuse Replacement