AD2817C Operation Manual
a single measurement every time when TRIGGER key on the front panel is
2.1.6 Measuremetn delay
Waiting time after measurement completes. If HANDLER interface clear has been set,
signal on HANDLER interface will be cancelled after delay.
2.1.7 Measurement terminal mode
Common measurement: 4-terminal pair
Hcur: high current (abbreaviation: Hc)
Lcur: low current (abbreaviation: Lc)
Hpot: high potential (abbreaviation: Hp)
Lpot: low potential (abbreaviation: Lp)
Transformer measurement: 2-terminal
Hpot---Lpot: transformer
s primary (winding A)
Hcur---Lcur: transformer
s secondary (winding B)
Note: Make sure shielding terminals of Hcur and Lcur are reliably short with low impedance
when the test fixtures or cables used don
t come standard with the instrument.
2.1.8 Measurement speed
Measurement speed can be affected by test frequency, integral time, value of component,
display mode, range mode, average times and comparator. And the following parameters
are evaluated at the status of frequency of 10kHz, range hold, comparator off, no
communication interface, which is possibly maximum values:
FAST: about 20meas/sec
MED: about 10meas/sec
SLOW: about 2meas/sec
At the frequency of being lower than 1kHz, measurement speed will slow down. And
transformer parameter measurement at the same conditions, especially resistance
measurement, will have lower speed.
2.1.9 Filtering depth
99, programmable
2.1.10 Basic accuracy